The Crossing
8:49 am Monday, January 5, 2009
Drizzle and cold winds came in from the north as we departed Holiday Village RV Park in Parr, TX. The Pharr Bridge crossing was nine miles due south ($10.00 USD Toll charge for four axles). After crossing the Rio Grande, we followed posted directions to Migracion building which was on the right side of the road. After a turnaround (I missed the correct turn the first time), we found suitable parking for our RV and Toad in a large lot to the left of the auto parking area.
The process was much easier than we anticipated. We carried into the Migracion offices our passports, driver’s license, vehicle titles (both the RV and the Chevy were free of a lien holder), our Mexican insurance policies, verification of our USA insurance, and Pesos. Located in one office were three desks; the Migracion officer, copy center and a Bancercita.
We went to the Migracion officer and receive the FM2 forms. The officer filled out the number of days (180) and initialed. Samples of a completed form were posted on a stand up desk (bring your own pen) in the center of the room. After completing the FM2, we had copies made of the FM2, passports, driver’s licenses, and vehicle titles. We then went to the Bancercita and presented all of our paperwork. We did not need proof of insurance, but she took everything else. We paid 262 Pecos each for our FM2s (cash). The vehicle docs were 413.13 Pecos each (credit card with applicant’s name on the card). Cindy applied for the car with her driver’s license and I claimed the RV. After paying all charges, we went back to the Migracion Officer with the paperwork and receipts. He stamped our FM2s and we were through.
We walked back to the RV and Toad, applied the decals, and off we went. Voila, that was it. We departed for La Pesca, Tamaulipas at 10:37 am.
1 comment:
Sounds like you had an easy time of it and so far no bandits. LOL
Happy trails my friends
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