Oasis in the Desert

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Acapulco and Valentine's Day

On the beach with Acapulco in the background
Sunset Dinner at Vayma's Restaurant

View from our table at the Vayma Resort

Our chef preparing a tableside entree

Lynne, I took a few "bird" photos!

One of the islands in the Laguna Coyuca

The Laguna Coyuca makes a nice wildlife refuge
Our Yacht Jovana

Paradise Island Beach Resort

We had a great time in Acapulco! Even though we did not do the normal tourist thing -- we didn’t go to old town, did not watch the cliff divers, nor did we visit the crowded beaches downtown. Instead, we kept to our private beach, ate at fancy restaurants in Pie de Cuesta, took a Laguna boat ride with the locals, and visited with fellow RVers, Mexican guests in the cabanas, and chatted with our wonderful hostess, Maria.

Valentine’s Day turned out to be a very pleasant day. My son-in-law, Scott, asked what I was planning for Valentine’s Day – I told him I had not planned anything, we are already in paradise. He suggested that I reconsider and treat Cindy to a nice day, that I might regret skipping the event and end up in the doghouse. Believe me, when you are living in an RV, one does not want to fall out of favor with your partner very long, and I also had to consider that fact that our RV did not have a doghouse.

The day started with a late wake-up call (about 09:30 am). I served Cindy her morning coffee in bed and prepared breakfast as she sipped her coffee. We planned a half day boat ride on the Laguna Coyuca aboard our yacht at 11:30 – made it to the launch with five minutes to spare. While we waited for the boat, Cindy picked out a serapa from a local street vendor. The boat ride consisted of a 45 minute ride to Paradise Island Beach Resort (a 2-hour stay at the beach with a light lunch) and a 45 minute boat ride back to the dock. It was a bit ordinary, but it turned out to be fun. Back to the RV, showered and dressed, we went to the Vayma Resort for an elegant seafood dinner on the beach as we watched the sunset. Thanks, Scott, I avoided creating any problems today.


Lynne said...

Brown Pelicans!!!!, I'm so excited.
Great shots and still terrible jealous.

Sister Charlotte said...

i am moving to acapulco manana