Oasis in the Desert

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Down and Dirty


Yes, reminds me of the old song "Fever".  It just keeps getting hotter and drier.  Today, we had our favorite dirt digger (with a giant machine come and move dirt into the space Herb has created in front of the patio.  He put up a red rock wall last winter and we saved the dirt from our septic dig to make a "dirt" bed.


It was going to be a flower bed, hee hee.  Not his year.  I have one very healthy weed that I keep alive with water and it is now under the dirt.  Also, have one poke salad plant growing above the lateral lines of the septic tank.  Oldsters (older than I) used to boil the poke weeds and either use the water for a cure for constipation or throw the water out and eat the greens.  I guess if the US goes to hell in a handbag, I will have to collect poke for nourishment.


 The dirt guy says he has been down as deep as 20 feet and it is still just as dry as it is on top.  Says it is much easier than slogging through mud and he has been super busy.  One guy's hollar is another guy's dollar.  More to come.  H, C, and Boo too

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