Oasis in the Desert

Tuesday, July 26, 2011



We live in a country setting, surrounding a small lake.  When we first arrived, there was a scraggly cat managing our front porch.  Herb fed her once and she was "his".  Now, one cat if fine, but she seemed to have a following.  First, came a grey and white cat with a bobbed tail.  One more mouth to feed.  Then there appeared a large black and white cat.  He is spooky, but eats anyway.  In the meantime, the first cat, dubbed Mama kitty is really getting fat.


One day, a little grey kitty with white paws appears at the food "dishes" by now.  He is cuddling Mama, so probably her baby.  Wild cats tend to just keep one baby.  This one is really spooky.  Our house cat stands at the door and just waits for little grey to appear and takes great pleasure in scaring him.  We don't know that it is a he, guess we will know if "he" gets a baby.


It is time to get things done outside, sadly the weather has its own plan.  When it is 110 degrees in the shade, you risk your life just going from house to car.  So, we stay in the house and watch the cats.  Mama kitty makes one last beg every evening for more food.  Then she moves away.  One evening we looked out and there was a big raccoon with a baby feasting on the food as Mama watched from a distance.  The raccoons seem to have no fear and this goes on for several evenings.  The baby is cute, as raccoons go.
There are also geese and deer who wander down to the rapidly shrinking lake for water.  It is a strange season.  More to Come  H, C, and Boo too

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