Oasis in the Desert

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fireworks in Mexico


We spent our first night in Mexico on May 5, Cinco De Mayo.  A big and noisy day for a celebration.  The Catholic Church in Mexico sells prayer rockets to its believers for about $5USD.  They write a note with their most fervant wish in it and send it the Virgin Mary.  The sending up is the noisy part.  Kind of like an old time bottle rocket with the big boom at the end.  They seem to be most effective during the night...go figure.  So, we did not sleep too well that first night, but soon became used to the big bang.  Someone with a fervant wish or prayer.


Any other kind of event, birthdays of saints, certain holidays, weddings, etc. call for a particular type of firework that is built on a frame, usually in the town square.  Every town has a square because when the Spaniards settled Mexico, they required that each village have a square with a church on one side and the government office on the other.

The village square is a great gathering place in every township, large and small.  A fireworks builder is a specially skilled person who can build a rather interesting frame with some type of design incorporated.  When it is lit, the last part is always spinning fire.  Noisy and Smoky and always the last event of the evening.  Must be dark, you know.


It is so hot and dry here in Oklahoma that we will not have any public fireworks this year.  At least not legally.  Many RVer's manage fireworks stands for July 4 and the New Year's celebrations.  You can see ads for the work in Workamper Magazine.  It is luctrative work for a short period for time, if you can boon dock.  Even in this strange weather year, there is an RV parked next to local fireworks stands.

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